There’s nothing more magical than dreaming big.
Dreaming so big that it excites every fiber in your being and takes up valuable space in your imagination, so much so that you go to sleep excited to wake up the next day and chase those dreams.
It’s a bonus if your dreams even scare you a bit…
That’s how you know you’re pushing yourself to fight for the ideas deep inside of you that maybe you didn’t even realize you had.
And the most beautiful thing about dreams and desires is how personal they are to each one of us.
No matter how big or small, simple or grand a dream may be, what matters most is that there’s a burning desire inside of you for something more, something you want, and are willing to make a plan to get it.
You should be so proud of yourself for even being willing to dream. Actually, I take that back, you should be more proud of yourself for possessing hope for your future. I’ll explain.
I’ve noticed that sometimes the people (in my experience) who don’t have big dreams, or even desires, often don’t hold hope inside of them, of any kind. In other words, they don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is an extraordinarily difficult place to be in life and if this sounds like anyone you may know, please, give them a call or a hug because it’s a very scary feeling to lose a sense of hope.
Honestly, if you’re up for it, consider inviting them over to participate in creating a Vision Board Book alongside you, or to just enjoy the fun of it with snacks, drinks, and music.
Hope is what leads us into the future, it’s the fuel for our dreams and big ideas.
So, if this sounds like something you’re craving and ready to learn the 8-steps I use to create my Vision Board Book, then let’s begin!

Vision Board Book
Step 1: Let Yourself Dream.
Let your dreams spill out of you.
Before you even sit down to write out your dreams, desires, goals, etc., take the pressure off and just let your imagination run wild. Go somewhere that inspires you, that brings energy into your body, somewhere that lights up your soul.
This could be a museum, the park, the movies, driving into the mountains, sitting by the beach, or even at home in your favorite spot. Go where you feel safe and surrounded by inspiration.
Hot Tip: DO NOT JUDGE YOUR DREAMS. It’s so easy to instantly discourage and judge ourselves for our dreams. Please, tell yourself it’s okay for you to want what you deeply desire.
I love to play music or have an iced or hot drink with me as I start to dream.
Step 2: Brain Dump.
Okay, you found your spot. Now, take out your favorite journal, a piece of paper, or the notes tab on your phone and start brain-dumping every single dream, desire, goal, or ambition you may have.
Most importantly, visualize how you want to feel in this dream reality.
How you want to feel will lead you to better understand what you truly want.
Write everything down: the city, the car, the job, the house, the friends, the soul family, the dog, the library, the non-profit, the adventure, everything and anything. There’s no limit and no wrong answer.
Step 3: Identify Your Dreams.
You’ve let your dreams spill out of you, now it’s time to identify what those dreams are.
Circle or highlight those dreams.
Then, think a little deeper about why those are your dreams.
Where does the inspiration, ambition, or idea come from to pursue that dream? Will it bring you joy? Satisfy your needs? Is it something you’ve dreamt of since childhood? Take a second and really think about WHY you want those things.
It’s easy to write down “buy dream car” or “go to medical school”, and it’s another to actually go get it.
On a separate piece of paper, list your big dreams, then next to each one write…
“I want to _________ (fill in your dream) because __________ .”
Does it seem too simple and obvious? Maybe. But, you’ll be surprised by what your driving force for each dream is.
For many people, they realize (sometimes too late) that their dreams aren’t their own. This is a way to weed out any dreams that may be influenced by external influences (family pressure, expectations, etc.) and highlight yours.
So, before you make a plan of action, take your time identifying your dreams and pinpoint what’s truly worth it to you.
Hot Tip: If you’re feeling empty or lost and not exactly sure what your dreams are, I created a FREE Vision Board Book & Guide that you can print or fill out on Canva. Find it here at the bottom of my Resources Page.
Step 4: Canva.
You’ve got your dreams, now it’s time to lay them out.
It’s your choice how you want to organize your Vision Board Book, but I decided to add 10 blank pages to Canva, and then label each one a different dream at the top.
Step 5: Pinterest.
This is the best part.
Finding a picture that embodies your dreams is so satisfying and the key to bringing it to life from your piece of paper into your reality.
Take your time with this and don’t rush the process, enjoy every single second of visualizing your life.
Save every photo that either inspires you, excites you, or sets your soul on fire.
It’s so fun to see which pictures you end up with!
Step 6: Organize Photos.
A simple next step, upload your photos to Canva and add your photos to each dream.
Step 7: Make a Plan.
With each Dream Page, I recommend adding a blank page underneath to map out a step-by-step plan on how you’re going to achieve that dream.
A dream without a plan is just an idea, right?
We go after our dreams here.
This is the most important part of all. You got this.
Step 8: Print The Dream Pages.
Once you’ve finalized each page and feel like it’s a visual representation of your big dream, print out the collection of pages and put it in a binder with clear sleeves so you see the dream page on the front, then the action plan on the back, and always keep it near you.
Or, put it on your wall as a collage.
Whichever method will allow you to constantly see your dreams.
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