3 Reasons Why They’re Wrong About Your Dreams.

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Anastasiya Tkachenko

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Hi, I'm Anastasiya

What’s the definition of a dream?

If we ask Oxford Languages, the academics give us two definitions:

/drēm/: noun

  • a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.
  • a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.

But if we ask the philosophers and artists...

Sigmund Freud says:

“Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.”

Pablo Picasso thinks:

“Everything you can imagine is real.”

Carl Jung believes:

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

What you dream about – while awake or asleep – is not just a silly fantasy. It’s you. It’s what you imagine, what you want, and who you want to be.

This means you owe it to yourself to chase, relentlessly, after those dreams that keep you up at night.

But, there will always be people who will try to crush those dreams. Always. And to be honest, it’s probably because when they see you taking the leap of faith, it makes them wonder why they’re not.

And sometimes, people don’t want to admit why they’re not chasing their dreams and would rather project their insecurities, fears, and unlived lives onto you.

If this is happening to you, I want you to know that you are doing the best thing for yourself by pushing out of your comfort zone to achieve something you dream of.

And if there’s someone in your life who makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong for dreaming big…

Send them some love (they probably need it) and keep moving forward.

Now, I’d like to tell you three reasons why those people are wrong about your dreams.

Dreams Don’t Have An Expiration Date

Contrary to popular belief, there’s is no deadline or last day where you’re allowed to dream a new dream.

What a realization, right? There is no expiration date for your dreams!

No matter your age, you can absolutely decide to pursue a dream you’ve had nestled away for years, even decades. Or, a brand new dream that you’ve just thought of.

What does age have anything to do with the pursuit of accomplishing something you’ve always dreamed of? Remember, there is always a way to make it happen.

My brilliant acting teacher Lea Marlene told us a story once of a student she had who was 82 years old and dreamed of being an actress. And at 82 years old, she decided to finally pursue that dream by taking acting classes.

And guess what, she was a natural born actress who was mesmerizing to watch.

There is no wrong time to live the life you’ve always imagined.

And if there’s anyone in your life that makes you feel like you’re “too old” for a dream, politely tell them to stay away from you and your ambition.

You can do anything you put your mind to and at any age, I’ve seen it done time and time again.

And you can be the next one to do so.

There’s No Such Thing As Unrealistic Dreams


  1. we put man on the moon
  2. ship rockets into space to explore the Universe
  3. created electricity
  4. figured out how to flambé dessert
  5. and build skyscrapers

These are all ridiculous things, and yet, they all exist. Which means whatever your dream is is nowhere near unrealistic.

And if it is “unrealistic”, good!

Being realistic never gets people very far. It keeps them contained. And why would we want that? Innovation requires a large imagination, trial and error, and the will to take a chance.

So, take that damn chance already and stop ruminating. And if it is a massive failure, through that period of trial and error, you may discover something more you never thought you’d find.

Maybe the true path you’re meant to take.

Anyone telling you your dreams are unrealistic clearly isn’t dreaming big enough and is stuck in a limited mindset with limiting beliefs. And that’s okay.

They can live in their realistic bubble while you burst your bubble to experiment and explore for more that the world is offering.

It Was Planted In Your Heart For A Reason

If there is a dream that lives inside you and has for the longest time, then guess what…

That dream was planted in your heart for a reason and meant to come to fruition in some way, shape, or form. I have no doubt about this.

There are literally billions of dreams, ideas, desires, etc., that you could be thinking about; an infinite number of possibilities. And yet, we all have a few dreams that we just can’t ever seem to stop thinking about no matter how much time has passed.

Maybe you’ve always dreamed of moving to a new country…

Maybe you’ve always wanted to open a breakfast sandwich shop…

Maybe you’ve always wanted to be on Broadway…

Whatever that dream is, it was meant for you. Just for you. How cool is that?

Now that you know that you’re meant to have those dreams living in your heart, I hope this gives you the courage and excitement (and maybe even permission) to embody those dreams and chase them relentlessly.

The beauty of dreaming is that it’s an endless pursuit of adventure.

So then, happy adventuring! I can’t wait to see where you go and what you do.

Love, Anastasiya

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“Breathing dreams like air.” f. scott fitzgerald

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  • and so much more

During my darkest moments, I realized that all I really needed was one person to cheer me on and remind me that I wasn’t alone. 

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