A new lover, aka, someone you’re dating and getting to know.
I don’t know about you, but some of the best movies to watch with someone you’re getting to know are the movies you want to turn off…if you get what I mean.
I know nowadays everyone complains about dating (understandably so), but my favorite part about getting to know someone is going on the first few dates where you’re unfamiliar with one another, but wanting to get close to each other.
There’s a zing, an electric current that flows through the body when you sit close to that person or brush up against them…
And when you’re still new to one another and giddy when you get close, then this is the perfect time to have a movie night.
Oh, just imagine…
You’re cozy on the couch while still feeling the electric tension between the two of you, and you’re just inching closer and closer to one another as your comfort levels build.
The anticipated slow desire for one another is the best kind of tension.
So, why not build the angst and throw on a great movie to kick off the night…
Here’s 8 Movies To Watch With Your New Lover.
By the way, you made snacks and drinks, right? Good.
Can’t forget M&M’s and Margaritas. Isn’t that what you were thinking too?

Honestly, is there anything better than Daniel Craig? Not much, no.
So in this case, why not throw on a sexy spy movie that’s not only seductive and intriguing to watch, but also a little bit romantic?
Compared to other Daniel Craig-led James Bond movies, the first one in the collection, Casino Royale, has a feeling of romantic lust; a sweet zing, and the wonderful build of anticipation between Bond and his girl.
It’s not about the action in this one, it’s about the slow burn.
Which is exactly what you want.
What better reason do you have to sneakily get closer and closer to one another than being scared?
Are you kidding, of course a horror movie is on the list – it’s fun, gets the heart rate up, and naturally smushes you together.
Isn’t it the cutest thing in the world when you get to snuggle into them because you’re absolutely freaked out?
Yes, yes it is.
But don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest something that’ll scar you and give you nightmares…
A Quiet Place is less jump scare and more of a consistent build-up of suspense.
It’s perfect.
Absolutely yes, you need to watch this one.
Cinematically, it’s beautiful, and the music is outstanding, but the key here is the unforgettable love story between Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan’s characters, Jay and Daisy.
Oh my god, I will not spoil it for you, but please, do yourself a favor and choose this one…
The want and need Jay has for Daisy; the extent to which he goes just to get her attention is utterly heartbreaking and romantic all in one.
It’ll get you feeling a certain way, and that’s exactly what you need.
Truthfully, any Adam Sandler or Drew Barrymore movie just instantly makes me happy, but this one in particular is one of my favorite movies of all time.
It’s adorably sweet, Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler are delightful as ever, and their love story is lighthearted and can’t help but make you smile from ear to ear.
It easily puts you in a great mood while watching and it’s easy to take your eyes off of it, and just have it play in the background.
It’s always a winner if you’re looking for a rom-com.
It’s so bad it’s good? Is that a thing?
I think so, so hear me out.
There’s something so humorously wonderful about putting on something that’s meant to maybe be sexy, but it’s actually uncomfortably funny, in a good way…
I love the idea of testing the waters with someone new and just throwing on a movie that’s meant to be seductive and ideal for date night, but at the same time, it’s a little uncomfy…
Test it out, then let us know how it goes.
There’s no couple more beautiful than Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz in The Mummy, god they’re beautiful.
Not only that, this is a classic movie of love and adventure that’s a little out of the ordinary of what you would consider to usually watch for a movie night.
But doesn’t that make it an even better choice then?
I had to throw in at least one ’90s movie into the bunch, and for some reason, this one really stuck out.
Give it a go…
The quintessential rom-com that everyone knows and loves…and if they don’t, they need to.
Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman are a match made in heaven in this movie.
They’re both outrageously adorable and their chemistry is wonderful to watch. You can’t help but giggle and dream of having something exactly like that.
The movie is funny, entertaining, and has all the best parts of a rom-com.
Just turn it on, you’ll love it.
Ugh, the ultimate romance.
If you’ve never seen One Day, close this blog post right now and go watch it and bawl your eyes out.
The story is one-of-a-kind, it’ll pull at your heartstrings, and at the same time, it’s just a beautiful and creative film, especially wonderful to watch with someone you’re interested in.
Romance is not dead people, we’ve just lost sight of it.
So have a classic movie night without any phones present, with some delicious snacks and drinks, and the perfect romantic movie to start the night with.
Feel the romance and indulge.
That’s right, we’re finishing off the list with another James Bond movie.
If you haven’t seen No Time To Die, first off, what’s wrong with you? Second, it’s fantastic.
Almost too fantastic, you might not want to turn it off…
Just kidding, your date wants your attention, but seriously, it’s a really great movie filled with the right amount of action and gorgeous scenery, and the storyline leads with emotion rather than violence or action.
You’ll fall in love with James Bond and his one-and-only Madeline.
Okay great, we’ve finished the list. Now, call your new lover and invite them over for a proper movie night with snacks and drinks.
Then pick one of these quality movies to watch and enjoy the rest of your night.
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