How To Make The Most Of A Mini Adventure.

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Anastasiya Tkachenko

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Copywriter and Blogger behind The Journal. This is where I like to ask & answer questions, document travels, and share my world with you. I'm so happy you're here. 

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Hi, I'm Anastasiya

If you’re a person with a constant craving for adventure...

Then no matter the distance or occasion you’ll be excited, like me. And for this mini adventure I’m about to walk you through, it’s certainly one of the tiniest, but mightiest.

About a month ago, I was passionately telling my brother that I had read that Nebraska was the best state in the USA to stargaze…and naturally, I asked him if he wanted to go since it’s an easy 4-hour drive from Denver.

He…didn’t say anything. So, I took that as his rejection of my idea. But, in typical Scorpio fashion, he didn’t deny my request for adventure, but rather, was quietly speculating and synthesizing

Weeks later, I received a text from him saying, “Wanna go to Nebraska to stargaze?”.

“Absolutely YES. When?”

And just like that, he sent me a hotel confirmation for Keystone, South Dakota….which is not quite Nebraska.

In his humble opinion, he thought it would be best to knock out 2 adventures in one and drive an extra 90 minutes to good ol’ South Dakota to witness a historic American monument – Mount Rushmore.

I agreed – the date was set, snacks were packed, and within a week we were off for our mini road trip to Keystone, South Dakota from Denver, Colorado.

I promised you that I’d give you my tips on how to make the most out of a mini adventure, and I certainly plan to do so.

Before that, I’d like to give you a preview of our road trip itinerary – where we stayed, what we did, and how we explored a new city.


From Denver, it’s a 6-hour drive to Keystone, South Dakota, but on our way there, we planned a stop in Scottsbluff, Nebraska where we initially intended to spend the night.

FYI: Maxim and I are used to long car drives, so a 6-hour drive for a 24-hour roundtrip adventure is normal for us.

This ended up only being a rest spot, but we did find a wonderful coffee shop with excellent coffee called Luna Bean Coffee House. Highly recommend if you’re passing through Scottsbluff.

Where We Stayed

Maxim chose for us to stay at K Bar S Lodge, Ascend Hotel Collection, which was wonderful.

It was a lovely lodge with a comfortable room, surrounded by mountains, a view of Mount Rushmore, and the perfect sky for stargazing…which was most important to me.

Three additional things they had which made the stay extra sweet was a jacuzzi between each building, a campfire that turns on every night at 5:30 pm sharp, and breakfast included. Maxim and I were really looking forward to breakfast because we love a continental breakfast, but the best part was the view we had while enjoying our eggs and orange juice.

It’s a simple lodge, but it was perfect for our overnight stay.

What We Did

We came to Keystone, South Dakota for two reasons: to stargaze and to see Mount Rushmore.

Before venturing to Mount Rushmore, we decided to explore the town of Keystone and embrace South Dakota, starting with lunch at Ruby House Resturant, which was a great choice.

After lunch, we took a stroll through the main street where all the shops and saloons were located and popped into a few cool stores with all sorts of trinkets, attire, and leather goods.

It was a hot day, so we escaped into Benky’s Cream & Sugar and I cannot lie, their ice cream was some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had. Highly recommend.

We cooled off, indulged in something sweet, and drove a bit down the road to explore…rocks. I know, it’s not thrilling, but we found what felt like a rock garden and we were too curious of creatures to pass it up.

But seriously, look at how gorgeous these rocks are…you’d pull over too, guaranteed.

Once we finished up looking at beautiful rocks, Maxim wasn’t quite ready to fulfill his dream of seeing Mount Rushmore quite yet. So, what does one do with spare time? You head to the lake, and that’s exactly what we did.

We took a scenic 40-minute drive to Sylvan Lake. The 40-minute drive really felt like 20-minutes.

I’m so glad we came here because this was definitely one of the highlights of the trip where I really began to feel the magical essence of South Dakota. This is a state with rich roots in history and lore, so I was excited to immerse myself in their nature.

This looked like the ideal lake to swim in, but we decided to take a walk around the lake instead. It’s a shame, I know, we should’ve jumped in, look at this beauty!

We had our spiritual lake experience, and now it’s time to finally see Mount Rushmore.

It’s a short walk from the parking lot to the monument, but overall, it’s a cool experience to see this American landmark in person. It’s not everyday you see 4 Presidents’ heads carved into a mountain. So, we sat, we admired, and we left to get ready to stargaze.

The sun began to set, which was the perfect time to get cozy around the campfire. And if you’re curious, Maxim and I packed lots of snacks and meals with us, so we had a simple noodle dish for dinner in our hotel room. But, the lodge does have a restaurant you can have dinner at if you’d like.

It was amazing to sit around the campfire and watch the sky as each star slowly began to appear and cover the night sky. It was a definite highlight and so refreshing. Compared to Colorado, the air in South Dakota has a sweeter scent. We liked it.

And to answer your question, unfortunately, there were no s’mores. Sad, I know.

We waited for the night sky to finally turn black, which meant one thing…it was time to whip out the telesope. We’re amateur Astronomers, so this telescope is from Amazon. But, nonetheless, we were looking for something spectacular to find in the sky.

We couldn’t zoom in on any planets, and Maxim wasn’t really sure how it worked in the first place, but it didn’t matter because we laid down on the grass – no one else in sight – and enjoyed the magnificence of the cosmos.

Maxim vetoed playing music, but, this would’ve been the perfect opportunity to play the score from Interstellar, for sure.

I could’ve stayed out there all night long until sunrise, but our imaginations were going wild and we were worried about what was lurking in the darkness of the forest…and Maxim was falling alseep, so we packed up and walked to our room to get some sleep for our drive back to Denver.

Mini Roadtrip Tips

I don’t know about you, but a roadtrip is probably my favorite form of travel.

Now, it can get tidious, uncomfortable, claustrophibic, and sometimes a bit boring – depending on where you’re driving through. But regardless, the pros always outway the cons. So, let’s breakdown 7 Ways To Make The Most of a Mini Adventure…

Tip #1: Pack Extra Snacks, Food, and Drinks.

Whatever you think is enough, double it. Even a 4-hour car drive can easily feel dreary, so make sure to pack a variety of snacks and drinks for fuel and entertainment. And most importantly, pack food, not just snacks.

I’m thinking breakfast burritos, sandwhiches, protein packs, muffins…things of this sort.

And then add secret goodies as a surprise when someone needs a boost of joy.

Tip #2: Curate The Roadtrip Playlist In Advance.

Background music is just as important as the scenery you’re exploring, but especially if you’re driving though barren land. So, make sure you add your favorite songs to your Roadtrip Playlist.

If you’d like to take a step further, I like two create two different playlists: dance music and slow melodies.

Depending on the mood, time of day, etc., I like to make sure I have different genres ready to play. And the night before the trip, I ask my fellow travelers to send me their favorite songs to add to my playlist to make sure their music cravings are satisfied.

Here’s my Roadtrip Playlist.

Tip #3: Blankets and Pillows.

Seriously, don’t forget the blankets and pillows. More often than not, the AC is blasting, so make sure you bring the right comfort so you can get cozy and stay warm as the driver or passenger, and a pillow so you can snooze.

Make sure the blanket has great insultation and not just soft. Very important.

Tip #4: Comfy, Breathable Clothing.

You know it, we know it. Get your cute outfit and make it comfy. I love a simple sports bra and pair of leggings with sneakers, but I make sure to bring a sweatshirt.

If it’s summertime, I’d wear a sports bra with biker shorts and sneakers, then bring sweatpants and a sweatshirt if I get cold. In the wintertime, a sweater with leggings and boots.

Tip #5: Prepare Stops In Advance.

Some people love to see where the road takes them without planning in advance (Maxim), which can work. But, it doesn’t hurt to map out some stopping points in advance to make sure you’re marking places to stop, potentially eat it, rest, and explore.

It also helps to break down the extensive hours of driving knowing there multiple destinations in mind, and not just endless driving. Good for the mind and body.

Tip #6: This Is An Opportunity To See Something New.

No matter where you’re going, stepping outside your usual schedule rotation of everyday life to explore somewhere new is a blessing – not everyone has the luxury of doing so.

In this case, no matter the destination, there is always something cool to see, new to learn, and interesting to admire…even if it doesn’t seem like it.

What’s most important is maintaining a positive attitude and curious mind. You never know what you’ll find.

For example, South Dakota is not the South of France, but, nonetheless, I still very much enjoyed exploring multiple cities I’ve never been to. Every city, state, province, country, etc., has it’s own uniqueness and charm that’s worth exploring. It was a treat.

By The Way…

If you’re looking for a quick adventure in Colorado, one of the most magical mountain towns in the whole world is only 4-hours away by car from Denver, and a 45-minute flight from DIA.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? That’s right, Aspen, Colorado is a beauty and simple roadtrip with a fabulous destination at the end. So if you’re in the mood to plan a winter roadtrip, here’s my Winter Guide To 48 Hours In Aspen.

Tip #7: This Is A Chance To Bond With Somone You Love.

There’s no better time to bond with someone you love than during a roastrip. I love traveling with Maxim because we are both chatty and we love indulging in conversations revolving philosophy, our personal lives, funny stories, extesential questions, and more.

And if you’re roadtripping with siblings that live in different cities or states, this is the best time to rekindle your bond and feel like kids again. Even a 24-hour trip is special with the right people.

So there you have it, my quick synopsis of our roadtrip itinerary and my tips on how to make the most out of a mini adventure.

I’m so glad you’re here, I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it.

Love, Anastasiya

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During my darkest moments, I realized that all I really needed was one person to cheer me on and remind me that I wasn’t alone. 

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So, come on in, you’re gonna love it.

I can’t wait to see your name pop up!

Love, Anastasiya

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